Understanding the Step-by-Step Procedure of Dental Veneers

What do you do when you start having gaps between your teeth and when your tooth suddenly wears down?

You seek dental help!

In this case, you can get in touch with your dentist to fix these problems:

  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Broken or chipped tooth
  • Worn down tooth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth

There is one solution to all these problems… dental veneers!

Dental Veneer Procedure!

The process of dental veneers requires 2-3 visits.

The first visit comprises two parts: the first part revolves around the assessment your dentist performs to determine whether you are the candidate for veneers or not. An X-ray might play a role in helping your dentist evaluate your oral health condition. Whereas, in the second part is when the dentist prepares veneers for your mouth.

Preparation For Dental Veneers:

After your dentist has determined the perfect type of dental veneer for you. The first step would be to reshape the tooth surface to fix the veneer.

To adhere veneers to your tooth surface, the dentist will fill your tooth enamel. This process prepares the tooth for the upcoming treatment.

Dental veneers are manufactured in laboratories, and customized for every individual according to their choice of material, length of tooth, and color.

Your dentist will send an impression to the laboratory and in the meanwhile fix temporary veneers to combat uneasiness.

Attaching Dental Veneers:

Once your veneers are ready, your dentist will schedule your appointment to place them on your teeth. In this dental visit, your dentist will clean your teeth and specifically the area that is going to receive the veneers.

After this step, your dentist will grind the tooth enamel for application purposes. The rougher the surface, the better the dental veneers stick.

Your dentist will additionally use dental cement to bind them to your tooth. And after fixing the veneers properly, your dentist uses ultraviolet light to make sure the cement has dried perfectly.

Finally, your smile makeover is completed….

After the final steps, your dentist will remove any excess cement from the surface of your tooth and clean the spot once again.

Now you can flaunt your smile like it is no one’s business!

The Aftercare

It is true that dental veneers age with time therefore it is important to take care of your dental veneers in a proper manner.

These are some commonly recommended steps considered to be grafted care of veneers procedure.

Our dentist advises that these steps are going to make sure that your dental the nearest sign lasts longer. However, it is said that dental veneers only last for 5 to 7 years. So by following these additional steps, you are going to maximize its age…

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