Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment in Dallas tx

Invisalign is a dental device that helps to change the positioning of teeth. It is basically a form of braces made of clear tray aligners.

This device is made of plastic that’s sturdy enough to exert pressure on certain parts of the teeth. This enables it to gradually move teeth to a better position.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

There are many benefits of Invisalign. Some of these are:

  1. Improvement in gum health
  2. Reduced chances of tooth decay
  3. Better oral health
  4. Improved appearance of teeth
  5. Helps with avoiding Bruxism
  6. Better chewability
  7. Helps to avoid injuries
  8. Improved confidence


The Process of Invisalign treatment:

If you are planning to get clear aligners, you must know about the process of this treatment.

It is undoubtedly a quick and effective treatment. However, remember that the Invisalign process is not magic. It cannot be performed in one or two dental visits. It is a complete procedure and requires a treatment plan and ample time. Also, you have to follow your advice regarding Invisalign instructions.

Let’s walk you through the five stages of Invisalign treatment.

Stage 1: Consultation

To execute the plan, you will have to consult with your professional dentist. Your doctor would provide the best information regarding the treatment plan and would also schedule the next appointment.

Stage 2: The treatment plan

This is a salient stage because your treatment plan has to be accurate. In order to generate the treatment plan, your dentist might need some teeth impressions, and pictures. X-ray is also helpful to get an accurate treatment plan. The plan plays a vital role in customizing the aligners. It might take three-four weeks to manufacture your aligners. The next appointment will be a month later.

Stage 3: The treatment begins!

The treatment has already begun, but at this stage, you will officially wear your aligners. Each aligner changes after every two weeks as the teeth structure starts to alter. You will have to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours. However, you can remove them for eating or for any other purposes. You are so near to getting that perfect teeth structure!

Stage 4: Some little adjustments!

Now that it’s been two weeks! There are chances that your teeth are in a better position. If not, your dentist might make some little adjustments by getting some refinement trays. It might take another month to arrive and one more month for alignment. Remember, patience is the best virtue.

Stage 5: The final stage

Now that your teeth are perfectly aligned, you are free to smile. But, there is one little step left. You will need some retainers to maintain that healthy smile. It helps to solidify your teeth’ structure. You can also use wired retainers whatever suits you the best.

Invisalign treatment aftercare:

Once you have succeeded in getting your desired teeth structure, you will have to maintain it. And for this following Invisalign aftercare instructions is important.

  • You will have to wear your retainer for some weeks. It is necessary to prevent the teeth’ structure from going back to the old position.
  • You will also have to take proper care, such as brushing twice with fluoride toothpaste and flossing.
  • Keep your dentist’s contact number in your hands for any emergency.


In a nutshell, Invisalign treatment is not a quick treatment but surely an effective one. However, it is better than traditional braces because they treat your teeth invisibly. The process is entirely based on the treatment plan. You can get the treatment plan from your professional dentists. A customized treatment plan and some weeks are all that it takes to give you a perfect, and even smile.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Parihan Tamkin at Smile Lab Dallas, the best cosmetic dentist in Dallas Tx, for customized Invisalign treatment.

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