FAQs About Dentures 

You never want to lose any of your teeth as these are a great asset in your mouth. A single missing tooth can lead to several problems. You may have to face problems with chewing and it can be even more painful because it puts a lot of pressure on the jaws and gums at the sight of the missing tooth. Similarly, it also impacts your speaking ability as you need teeth to speak properly. Your smile can be ruined if you lose any of your front teeth.

Therefore, you never want to lose your teeth and protect them to avoid this problem. However, you can still face this problem due to several reasons. An accident, injury, underlying health condition, dental problems, etc. can lead to tooth loss. The only thing you can do after losing your permanent teeth is to get treatment for them.

Dentures are the best possible treatment for your missing teeth when you lose more than one tooth. You can rely on dentures to replace a complete line of missing teeth. Going through FAQs related to dentures before opting for this treatment is a good idea. These FAQs can clear your confusions and make it easy for you to opt for dentures to replace your missing teeth.


How to clean dentures?

The best way to clean your dentures is to brush them daily. You need to take care of dentures just like your teeth. Soaking them in warm water with some denture cleaner is the best way to clean them. You need to be careful when choosing the cleaner. It must not be abrasive. 

What are dentures made of?

Resins and porcelain are the most common materials used to make dentures. Modern dentures are made up of acrylic resins. These dentures look like your original teeth. Furthermore, they are lightweight, so easy to wear

How long do dentures last?

It depends upon your care for dentures. If you take proper care of dentures, they can last for several years. The average life of dentures is around 7 to 10 years. However, if you take proper care of them then they can last even longer than 10 years.

How to whiten dentures?

You can whiten your dentures by opting for DIY techniques. Regular cleaning of your dentures can keep them white and prevent stains. Apart from that, soaking them in vinegar and water solution for half an hour can do the trick for you. 

How to fix broken dentures?

You cannot get your dentures fixed by yourself. You need to contact our dentist to get them fixed. Your dentist first checks the damage to dentures and then tells you if it can be fixed or not. 

How to remove plaque from dentures?

To remove plaque from your dentures you can soak them in water with a denture cleaner. It will soften the plaque and make it easy to remove. Apart from that, you can also try to use a floss to remove plaque.  

What is the process of getting dentures?

To get dentures you need to book your appointment with a cosmetic or restorative dentist. Firstly a mold of your teeth impressions is taken. Then waxed dentures are prepared and fixed in your mouth to check if they are working well for you. After that, customized dentures of porcelain or resin material are prepared and foxed in your mouth. 

How to clean dentures with baking soda?

There are numerous ways to use baking soda for cleaning dentures. You can mix it in a solution of water and vinegar and then soak dentures in it. Apart from that, you can also try applying it with a soft bristled brush on your dentures.

Bottom Line 

These FAQs must have answered all your queries related to dentures. Still have doubts? Don’t worry, book your appointment with a dentist at Smile Lab Dallas and get all your queries answered. We have skilled dentists to provide you with cosmetic dentures in Dallas TX. Visit us to replace your missing teeth and restore your smile.

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