Tooth Extractions

What is Tooth Extraction?

Do you remember people congratulating you on getting permanent teeth? Well, they were not really permanent! There comes a time in life when it becomes necessary to have a tooth extraction. Unfortunately, these are not rare occasions.

For the uninitiated, it’s the process of extracting teeth either surgically or non-surgically. The decision of whether to get oral surgery for tooth removal depends on different reasons.

When do you need tooth extraction surgery?

Not every toothache requires tooth extraction. It is recommended to save the natural tooth unless it becomes contagious. If it does, tooth extraction becomes the only way to save your oral health.

People get their teeth pulled a number of times in their life. These include:

Severe infections

Tooth extraction is a common practice if one suffers from a harmful infection. The center of the tooth called the pulp contains all vessels and nerves. When the tooth decay extends to the center, it destroys your oral health.

If the infection becomes severe to an extent where the root canal treatment becomes helpless, your dentist will recommend an emergency dental treatment to extract the tooth in such cases.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth were useful for our ancestors, but are futile for us. More often than not, people consider getting a wisdom tooth pulled out. If it is not growing in a proper condition and causing discomfort and pain, your dentist might also recommend its removal.

Crowded Mouth

This is a condition in which teeth become way bigger than normal while growing improperly. The prompt response in such situations is tooth extraction through dental surgery. Dentists often perform tooth extraction before braces. This not only increases the efficiency of the braces but also quickens the process.

Periodontal Diseases

Infections that affect the bones and tissues of the mouth are called periodontal diseases. It loosens the teeth, and can further damage the roots and pulp of the tooth. In such cases, your periodontist will recommend a tooth/teeth extraction surgery.

Risk of Getting Infected

Sometimes, health conditions of other body parts can force tooth extraction surgery. For instance, if someone’s getting a transplant or an intense treatment which might increase the chances of dental diseases in a certain part, tooth extraction becomes a necessity.

So, if someone you know is facing these dangerous symptoms or conditions, it is important to consult with your dentist asap.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does a tooth extraction cost?

It’s difficult to find affordable tooth extractions as many dental services offer them. A typical tooth extraction would only cost some $50 to $250. However, an impacted tooth extraction would cost around $1,000 to $4,000, depending solely upon the complexity of the surgery.

What to eat after wisdom teeth removal?

It’s recommended to eat soft food after dental work particularly after undergoing teeth surgery. For example, you can include broths, greek yogurt, blended soups, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, hummus, smoothies, avocados, and other such food items in your diet.

Are tooth extractions painful?

If it’s a surgical procedure, you will not feel pain during the treatment itself because of the use of anesthesia. However, once the effects of anesthesia wear off, you might start to feel slight pain or discomfort. Use the prescribed medications by your dentist to alleviate the pain.

What does tooth extractions aftercare include?

It’s recommended to follow your dentist’s advice post-treatment. Use soft food for a few days. Also, avoid strenuous activities. It’s also recommended to apply an ice bag immediately after the procedure. Don’t leave it for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Besides the aforementioned, rest for at least 24 hours, and avoid rinsing, spitting, or using a straw for at least 24 hours. Do not smoke. Lastly, brush and floss your teeth twice a day. However, make sure you’re avoiding the extraction site.

Tooth Extraction at Smile Lab Dallas

It is true that there is no alternative to a natural tooth. But, to preserve other teeth, it is essential to sacrifice one or two teeth. The dentistry field has made advancements in tooth extraction and prosthetic tooth insertion.

So, if you face any of the aforementioned issues, you must connect with Smile Lab Dallas. Led by an experienced dentist in Dallas Tx, our team specializes in treating an array of oral health issues. Book your appointment now!

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