Dental Cleanings

What is Dental Cleaning?

Dental cleaning is the process of deep cleaning your teeth. The importance of tooth cleaning to maintain good oral health is known to one and all. However, regular cleaning at home is not enough to maintain good oral health. You need to visit your dentist as well for a deep and thorough cleaning of your teeth.

In dental cleaning, plaque, and tartar removal take place. Every entrapped particle is removed from your teeth. Gingivitis cleaning is also involved in dental cleaning to keep your gums healthy and strong. Dental cleaning is often included in preventive dentistry as it prevents your teeth from several dental disorders.

Benefits of Dental Cleaning

Whiten Your Teeth

The first benefit you get after opting for professional teeth cleaning is whitening your teeth. When deep cleaning is done, all the stains and yellowness are removed from your teeth. Your teeth become whiter and brighter than before. It makes them look beautiful and improves your smile.

No Bad Breath

When you visit a dental practice for deep cleaning, your mouth may smell bad due to a lot of bacteria and trapped food particles. However, once you get them cleaned, you don’t have to face bad breath issues. Instead, your breath becomes refreshing due to the removal of all the bacteria and other germs from your mouth.

Goodbye to Cavities

Cavities are generally caused by plaque. It is the accumulation of harmful bacteria at the backside of your teeth. These bacteria corrode the enamel layer and create tiny gaps in your teeth that are referred to as cavities. Plaque removal during the treatment reduces the risk of cavities.

No Gum Disorders

When plaque is left untreated, it can further lead to gum infection. Tartar is produced and it is a dark-colored accumulation of bacteria. Tartar removal is done during dental cleaning. It leads to the prevention of gum disorders.

Forget the Tooth Loss

After booking dental cleaning appointments, the risks of teeth loss are reduced. The leading reasons behind teeth loss are improper cleaning and not maintaining dental hygiene. After a professional cleaning, the risks of tooth loss are minimized.

Boosted Dental Health

When your teeth remain clean you enjoy good oral health. Plaque removal, tartar removal, and other activities involved in cleaning lead to the improvement of your overall health.

Types of Dental Cleaning

Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning

This type of dental cleaning is usually used to prevent dental disorders. It is basically done when you are facing some dental issues. It involves plaque and tartar removal from every part of your mouth. Even cleaning of your gums and tongue is also done during the process. Overall dental health is improved by opting for this cleaning technique.

Scaling and Root Planing Cleaning

This type of cleaning is especially for gums. Gum pockets are deeply cleaned using dental tools. The main purpose of scaling is to deal with gum infections and periodontal disorders. Root planing involves smoothing the roots of your teeth. It improves the anchorage of gums on your teeth.

Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning

It is the most often performed type of dental cleaning. Its main focus is to clean the gum pockets and remove tartar. Gum disorders are very progressive, so Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning is performed more often.

The Procedure

The procedure is done in a single appointment. Following are the key steps involved in dental cleaning.

  • When you visit dentists, they first perform a physical exam or dental checkup. It helps them to find any serious disorders and check the tartar and plaque in your mouth.
  • The next step is the removal of plaque and tartar. They have specialized methods to remove them. Clove oil is used during plaque and tartar removal to avoid the spread of bacterial infection.
  • In this step, a heavy-duty electric brush is used to clean your teeth. You also get your teeth flossed by an expert. It is done to remove all the entrapped articles and clean your teeth. Teeth whiteness and brightness improved in this step. You may also receive some brushing tips from your dentists.
  • Your mouth is rinsed with water to remove all the toothpaste, bacteria, and other materials from your mouth.
  • Your teeth may become sensitive after this deep cleaning. Therefore, fluoride treatment is done to reduce sensitivity. Dentists may also give you teeth cleaning tips throughout the procedure.
  • Before discharging you, the dentists will guide you about the teeth cleaning aftercare routine.

Get Dental Cleaning at Smile Lab Dallas

If you too want to get all the benefits of dental cleaning you need to visit a dentist in Dallas TX. You should visit Smile Lab Dallas as we have experienced dental hygienists to clean your teeth. We use advanced technology and techniques for painless cleaning. Feel fresh, breath fresh with your deeply cleaned teeth!

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